What our developers say about working at Ridgeway.
Our developers have told us why they chose Ridgeway, the best part of their roles, favourite projects they've worked on and why they love being a developer at Ridgeway.
Joe Souch:

Q: Why did you choose to be a developer at Ridgeway?
A: Ridgeway really appealed to me because I already knew about their open and collaborative culture, which meant I would have the opportunity to influence project and company decisions.
Q: What is your favourite project that you have worked on?
A: Baking Mad. For this project, I was pleased to be promoted to Tech Lead which overall gave me more ownership. I also got to work with a great client from Baking Mad who was supportive throughout.
Q: What is the best part of working at Ridgeway?
A: The people and culture… oh and the bar!
Chris Meagher:

Q: What attracted you to work at Ridgeway?
A: I was excited by the company’s ambition and direction and how that would dovetail with my own ambitions. Since I have worked at the agency, I have been involved in multiple award-winning projects for big brands, such as Twining’s and HMV, which is a clear example of how those ambitions have come to fruition.
Q: What is the best part of your role?
A: I am currently working in the support team and I can honestly say that the team of people I am working with are the best part of the role.
Q: How would you describe the culture at Ridgeway?
A: Good work is appreciated and rewarded, honesty and integrity are expected and valued, challenges are welcomed and solutions collaborative.
Jamie Round:

Q: Why did you choose to be a developer at Ridgeway?
A: The desire for a new challenge and the opportunity to work with some great developers.
Q: What is your favourite project that you have worked on and why?
A: Without a doubt, this would be Twinings. The combination of team and project work gave me the opportunity to learn a lot about Kentico and development best practises. It’s been so good, I’ve stayed with the project ever since!
Q: What three words would best describe the team?
A: Friendly, intelligent, cake monsters.
Matt Nield:

Q: What attracted you to work at Ridgeway?
A: I’ve always been aware of the culture and values that Ridgeway foster and they align very much with my own.
Q: What is the best part of your role?
A: Without doubt it would be learning new things and helping others to learn too. For me, nothing compares to that.
Q: What three words would best describe the team?
A: I’d probably go for talented, fun, and dedicated. It really is the people that make Ridgeway - we really value the culture of the company, and it shows in the like-minded team we’ve developed over the years.
Want to be a developer at Ridgeway? You can find a list of all our current vacancies on our careers page. Please get in touch if you are interested in any of the available roles, we would love to hear from you.